Joti Tejprem Kaur
Sat Nam - Welcome To The Vedic Journey
Join Joti Tejprem Kaur and Kamali Siri Kaur (Kailee) for your 200 Hour Kundalini Teacher Training Certification. Attend online Via Zoom OR in-person at The Healing Room in St. Albert, Alberta, Canada. Begins October 2024!
Spend 2024 Unlocking Your Vedic Astrological Chart, Kundalini Moon Centres, Vedic Lunar Nakshatras, and Vedic Moon Cycles In A Mentorship with Joti Tejprem Kaur. Only 11 Spots Available!
12 x $222
Morning Sadhana - Tuesday-Friday - 7am-7:45am MST Dedicate yourself to a morning Sadhana (ritual practice), where you wake up at dawn and practice Kundalini. Includes daily astrological forecast.
$33 / month
Explore the planets and signs using the South Indian style chart. Using your own chart as an example, we will embark upon exercises to learn more about how the planets influence your current lifetime. This class is for beginners.
After exploring the fundamentals in the Level 1 Vedic Astrology class, we will dive deeper into the meaning of each house, and how to assess the strength of each planet in your chart.
Join Joti Tejprem Kaur and Irene Lata in exploring the fundamentals of Ayurveda. You will learn about Ayurveda through the lens of the planets - discovering the 5 elements, your dosha, herbal, dietary and lifestyle recommendations.
Experience an Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse to purify our body, mind, and spirit in preparation for Spring. There are many different options during the cleanse, so you can experience a simpler or more intensive cleanse experience.
Slowly build your daily Sadhana, one week at a time by adding in daily rituals as offered by Kundalini, Ayurveda, and Vedic Astrology. This is an exploration into yogic theory, and your first step into a yogic lifestyle.